3. Februar 2015


Let me give you a slight lead concerning the discussion issue. We will be talking about "intercultural competence & intercultural issues" throughout the conversation sessions.


These questions & thoughts might help you to prepare for this discussion event.

- What definitions would you use to explain these specific terms?

- How important are they?

- How does this influence our life/work/society?

- Does it actually influence our life?

- Are there any challenges for our society?

- Talk about the pros and cons?

- Do you personally feel interculturally competent?

- Talk about your experience and what did it teach you?



useful links

- expressions & two videos: http://www.innosupport.net/index.php?id=2380

- paper reading: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002197/219768e.pdf

- extras: http://www.agef-saar.de/AHOI/Lima/Base/Chapter3.htm#3.2

- hand outs: http://www.intercultural.org/documents/competence_handouts.pdf

- ICC: http://www.internations.org/magazine/intercultural-competence-15422

- ICC in Business: http://www.internations.org/magazine/cultural-differences-in-business-15308

- power point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJqBhLgSNQY



Globish - has this an effect on ICC or even cause a loss of cultural awareness?

- Homepage: http://www.globish.com/

- German page: http://www.globish.com/?page=about_globish&lang=de_utf8

- article: http://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/2006/dec/03/features.review37

- cross talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjXn3lW5wQ4

- example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XYY5s2kV5U