5 May 2020






The Downside of

Social Distancing




                                                                        Source: Google.com


What does social distancing mean?



How to practice it properly?



How long will we have to practice social distancing?



Scientific articles about the downside of social distancing



Youtube Videos about the impact of social distancing:



Many more articles about social distancing:



Let's discuss!

Are there any alternatives, solutions.....?

What would you do?

What can we all do?

How can we help poeple who are in trouble?

How do you spend your time and keep in touch?

Do you have any fears concerning permanent social distancing?


And here are some very interesting articles. Enjoy reading!



This link is a good interview and deals with impact of isolation on the brain

"The brain in isolation". https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/allinthemind/the-brain-in-isolation/12201054

The link, the talk and the interviewed scientists give an insight into what happens to us and the brain when being isolated for too long because we are social creatures and depand on intersocial connections and community bonding - not on loneliness

Enjoy reading!


I am always happy to hear from you

and am looking forward to having you as my inspiring and communicative participants in Waizenkirchen for tea and coffee or live online via Skype or Jitsi or WhatsApp Video.


Please note: * pre-booking is required for both, offline and 

                     Skpye participation in Waizenkirchen until 

                      on Monday NOON 4th of May, 2020;

             * Feel free to do a Skype audio pretest or a

                free Zoom platform precheck or a WhatsApp

                audio pretest on Monday evening.


Book NOW:

- via email: brigittefalkner(at)gmail(dot)com

- via phone: (+43) 0680 302 8001

- via the booking form below

- skype: brigittefalkner


I am looking forward to having a good time and an inspiring chat with you.

                                                   JETZT BUCHEN!

                                                  Yours Brigitte :-)

                                          FLEXIBLE LANGUAGES

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.