Pop in

for English conversation, tea & coffee

 Themenauswahl/choice of topics


Feel free to click on the 'interactive' topic next to the date. This red-linked topic takes you to the webpage, which provides relevant information and helpful links for the discussion issue.


2025 preview

2 December

4 November

7 October

2 September

July + August ...................Summer break

3 Junr

6 May

1 April

4 March

11 February

7 January



3 December............10th Pop-in Anniversary + Tea & Biscuits

5 November............Activities for autumn (repeated topic)

1 October...............Best activities to enjoy a wonderful Indian Summer

August + September.........Summer break

2. July....................Summer Talk & Prosecco

18 June..................Make mistakes and stay creative in your mind
7 May.....................Your secrets to look young, feel well, be happy, stay healthy 

2 April....................Austrians - The way we really are           

5 March..................Moongardening + Terra Preta + Permaculture                      

6 February..............The "ClimGrass Project" and impact of CO² 

9 January................How to make 2024 the best year?                 



5 December.............Slow Jogging            

7 November.............Insect Farming        

3 October................Work-Life-Balance

5 September............If 100 people lived on earth

July + Aug...............................Summer break

6 June....................Botox influences Emotions and Brain

2 May.....................Childfree by Choice

4 April....................Pets - Good Companions or Just a Trend

7 March..................Plastic in your Blood (repeated topic)

7 February..............Plastic in your Blood  

10 January..............Universal Income = Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen
                                                                      (= repeated topic)


since December........Pop in stands for sustainability = 100% nachhaltig  NEW!

6 December.............Final 2022 Pop-in and Hot X-mas Punch

8 November.............Health - Food Supplements (repeated topic)

11 October...............Health - Food Supplements

July + Aug + Sept...................Summer break

7 June.....................My Holiday Dream

3 Mai.......................Global Solidarity

5 April......................Global dynamic - What does the future hold?

1 March....................Our Daily Oil (Unser tägl. Öl/ repeated topic)

1 February + 8 Feb....The Challenge of Aging

4 January..................A new Dynamic Beginning



7 December...............Review 2021 Positive Moments & Outlook 2022

2 November...............Our Daily Oil (Unser tägl. Öl/repeated topic)

5 October..................Our Daily Oil (Unser täglich Öl/OÖN 21.8.2021)

7 September..............How to reduce my ecological footprint (carbon footprint)
August...................................Summer break

6 July........................Let's be sociable and enjoy a relaxed summer chat

1 June.......................Universal income - Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen

6 May........................English Online Stammtisch - kostenlos Schnuppern

13 April.....................The forgotten Corona Generation

2 March.....................Pomodoro Technique & BOOST your Learning (repeated)

2 February.................The Pomodoro (Learning) Technique (repeated topic)

5 January...................How does stress affect our brain



15 December.................Review 2020 & Preview 2021

3 November...................Positive Psychology in times of Corona

6 October......................Outdoor Activity Trends (repeated topic)

8 September..................Outdoor Activity Trends

July - August.............................Summer break

2 June..........................Emotional Intelligence

5 May...........................CORONA - Downside of social distancing & alternatives

7 April..........................Influence of technology on brain and eating habits

3 March........................Science news: Robot made from frog cells

4 February....................Cornonavirus - Hysteria or serious threat

7 January......................New Year's Resolutions



3 December...................Open House & Anniversary

5 November...................$ 500 per month!

1 October......................Fake news

3 September..................Global Warming or A Global Warning!

2 July...........................Summer Talk & Prosecco

4 June..........................Non-Violent Communication (Repeated Topic!)

7 May...........................Non-Violent Communication (by Rosenberg)

2 April..........................50 Ways to Learn a Language

12 March......................50 Ways to Learn a Language

5 February....................Pomodoro (Learning) Technique

8 January ....................Manipulation through Advertising


Join spontaneously........TALK & WALK

Join regularly................TEENS :-) TALK




NEW...........................TALK & WALK

NEW...........................TEENS :-) TALK

4 December.................Hot Xmas punch and English chat

6 November.................Social Robots

2 October....................Can digital addiction cause ADHD? (2nd event)

4 September................Can digital addiction cause ADHD?

3 July..........................Priorities and essentials in ones life

5 June........................How does the brain make decisions?

8 May.........................Teenage Brain

3 April........................Secrets of self-motivation!

6 March......................How do you keep yourself happy, healthy and fit?

6 February...................Alzheimer's disease

9 January....................Today's challenges of kids' education and in future




12 December...............Chat, punch, feedback & X-mas celebration

21 November...............How does sport and music effect our brain? (2nd event)

31 October..................How does sport and music effect our brain?

10 October..................Challenges - What will next generations face?

19 September..............Are we similar to our parents?

20 June.......................A wonderful holiday or terrible nightmare?

30 May......................."Grüneres Gras" dissatisfaction in live

 9 May........................Water and world water resources/capacities

18 April......................Slow Travel

21 March....................Dresscode in schools

7 March......................Sharing : Exchanging : 4 Rs

31 January..................Punishment

10 January..................Homeschooling vs Unschooling vs Free schooling




20 December................Xmas celebration with hot punch & biscuits

29 November................Sustainability

  8 November................Exploitation of the 3rd world's raw material

11 October...................The right pace of time and how to slow down

20 September...............BAD HABITS & MANNERS

28 June.......................Water (Austrian & worldwide resources)

  7 June.......................Feeding the world

17 May........................Taste the waste (Waste of food in the 21st century)
26 April........................Graffiti and street art & Earth Day

  5 April........................International Women's Day (=IWD)

15 March......................Difference among Brits, Americans, Irish, Australians...

23 February..................LANGUAGES help to survive!

26 January....................Asylum and Refugees, Part II




15 December.................Left-handedness in a right-hand dominated world

17 November.................Birkenbihl Method for Language Learning

27 October....................Asylum and Refugees

  6 October....................All about 'humor/humour'!

15 September................Austrians - how are we?

25 August.....................Cuisine & recipes

  4 August.....................A dreamlike holiday or terrible nightmare?

14 July..........................'Threatened Bees'

30 June.........................Mnemonics & Multiple Intelligences (learning styles)

  9 June.........................Mother's day & Father's day

19 May..........................super dads

28 April.........................interpretation of wise proverbs

  7 April.........................nonverbal communication

17 March.......................perfect mothers

24 February...................luck & happiness research

  3 February...................intercultural competence

13 January.....................skills, talents, competences




16 December.................Lebenslanges Lernen

25 November.................Lebenslanges Lernen


Brigitte Falkner


> ISO 17024 zert. Englischtrainerin

> wba-zert. Erwachsenenbildnerin

> NeurLanguageCoach i. Ausbildung

> zert. Bildungsmanagement basic

> DaF/DaZ-Trainerin i. Ausbildung

A-4730 Waizenkirchen, Jägergasse 25


Source: Free images were provided by https://www.pexels.com and https://pixabay.com/ and https://unsplash.com/and Brigitte Falkner's private picture image pool.