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What is 'Teens :-) Talk'?
A quick, easy, relaxed and funny way to practise English conversation and share ideas with talkative young people who wish to improve their fluency in English with meaningful topics for their school career and as preparation for their A-level.
Let's meet for one hour of smart, inspiring and challenging discussion once or twice a week. Feel free to check out dates&topic and join!
Booking required, please use the form below!
Teens :-) TALK are only designed for teenage students who wish to discuss school topics in order to improve their conversations skills. Brigitte will lead/guide the discussion and support every participant with vocabulary and error correction if needed.
What about the topic?
Students can choose the topic they like/need/prefer and bring along their material for upload and provide study material for other students as well.
If no students come up with ideas, Brigitte will choose and plan the topic plus the additional material that could be helptful for students and their self-study sessions or preparation for their final exams. Let's plan and work it out together.
Where does it take place?
Let's meet in Jägergasse 25, A-4730 Waizenkirchen in Upper Austria or feel free to join the sessions live online via Skype.
When will teens meet to talk?
Teens:-)TALK meetings will be arranged with those participants who wish to suggest a time and topic for the next "Teens :-) TALK" session. Stay up-to-date by checking-out the date&topic section below or feel free to suggest meetings plus curriculum for upcoming events.
If the event time does not suit you and your friends/mates, never mind, let's reschedule it and find a more convenient appointment.
What about the costs?
Teens :-) TALK are only designed for teenage students who wish to discuss school topics in order to improve their conversation skills. Brigitte will lead/guide the discussion and support everyone with vocabulary and error correction during the sessions.
Students can purchase a 10er-block voucher for € 95,-. This voucher is applicable to friends/students/mates/siblings.
A minimum booking of 3 students is required so that this event will take place. Share this voucher with your classmates or friends and book your sparkling English conversation lesson.
How to book an event?
Feel free to use this form below to book your event one week in advance, or suggest further date&topic.
Check out the date&topic section!
Choose your ideal day and bring along friends!
Dos & donts of best friends?
Describe your best friend!
Choose your ideal day and bring along friends!
How much pocket money should teenagers get? What would you do if you were your parents?
Choose your ideal day and bring along friends!
What do you think about school uniforms and dresscode in schools?
Verwendete lizenzfreie Bildquellen/Source:
Source: Free images were provided by and and Brigitte Falkner's private picture image pool.