14. Juli 2015

'Threatened Bees' - a shocking fact

or just

an exaggerated story and new business strategy,

what do you think?


Are you aware of the bees' importance concerning survival of mankind? If not, feel free to watch links below and read information  to get an idea of how wonderful those little creatures enrich our life.


Gain information:

- facts about bees


http://www.nova.org.au/everything-else/getting-buzz-value-bees (University AU)


- youtube links

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JilYBVrFiLA (when bees die)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSk_ev1eZec (life cycle of bees)

https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=endangered+bees (more videos)


-the complex system (in a nutshell)



- Link for kids




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Looking forward to meeting you offline at my home or online on Skype.

Phone: (+43) 0680 302 8001

Email: brigittefalkner(at)gmail(dot)

Yours Brigitte!