3 March 2020

Breaking News: Robots becoming alive

Robot made from

living frog cells

(Quelle: Google.com)


Will robots soon

replace mankind

(Quelle: Google.com)



Sophia - the first robot

with emotional facial mimics

(Quelle: Google.com)

Feel free to join this Pop-in session to get informed about the latest scientific development in robotic. Let's discuss achievements, further possible advantages and chances also important issues like ethics & values and more sensitive questions.


Scientific papers & videos:










Feel free to read the links and watch the provided videos to make up your mind and present your personal opinion. Let's look into the future and think ahead.

I am looking forward to a sparkling and inspiring discussion.

I am always happy to hear from you

and am looking forward to having you as my inspired and communicative participant in Waizenkirchen for tea and coffee or live online via Skype.


Please note: * pre-booking is required for both, offline and 

                     Skpye participation in Waizenkirchen until 

                      on Monday NOON 2nd of March, 2020;

             * Feel free to do a Skype audio test on Mon  

                evening if you'd like to check your audio!


Book NOW:

- via email: brigittefalkner(at)gmail(dot)com

- via phone: (+43) 0680 302 8001

- via the booking form below

- skype: brigittefalkner


I am looking forward to having a good time and an inspiring chat with you.

                                                      JETZT BUCHEN!

                                                     Yours Brigitte :-)

                                             FLEXIBLE LANGUAGES

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.