My warmest welcome to all interested participants for the second April-pop-in in Waizenkirchen. Sun, warmth, flowers, fresh spring-like air, rich blossoms on trees and bushes inspire and enrich us in putting up with daily challenges.
And this is a never-ending cycle - again and again every year.
So we have already experienced many springs - summers - autums and winters, warm and cold days, positive and negative feelings and how to overcome challenges. This life experience over generations is often expressed in
"wise espressions/quotations/sayings/proverbs"
which sometimes are wise guidelines for our life and they can be found all over the world in almost every language - a very cultural treasure.
In honour of this recorded wise pool of experience you will be given a brilliant opportunity to discuss, interprete and talk about wise quotes with their symbolics and meanings nowadays. You are welcome to compare German to international quotes and lyrical wisdoms.
Feel free to bring along your personal quotes and allow me upload and publish it on this webpage, which could be a useful collection of wise quotes for everyone. Please send your material (word.doc or pdf format) via mail to
These are my favourite ones in April:
"Talent is like a flower - it needs watering!"
(Maduwa Thabo)
"Wisdom does not come overnight!"
(African proverb)
Below, please feel free to use these links for preparation, it is not a must, rather a brilliant opportunity to get prepared and inspired. At the end of this page you will find a downloadable document with proverbs. Enjoy it!
English and international (there are plenty more online, just google it) (= a very rich pool of collection)
African proverbs:
German (there are plenty more online, just google it)
Youtube ressources:
just find more proverbs by searching for proverbs.... on youtube like I did it
I promise, this will be an extraordinarily enriching pop-in day. You are welcome to bring along friends, your boss and colleagues, partners and relatives to join. I am awaiting your booking.
Regards Brigitte
0680 302 8001