"The right pace of time in a fast-moving age"
- How to slow down and escape from such a rush?
- How to keep pace with a rapidly changing world/trends/needs...?
- What makes us busy/stressed/unbalanced?
- Is there a way to switch off the pushing force and enjoy the moment?
How to slow down and make yourself feel more relaxed and less rushed is not easy at all? Just look at this nice joke and think about what you could do to slow down and enjoy the moment!
Here are some interesting links with guidelines to a stress free life. Enjoy reading!
I am always happy to hear from you!
Looking forward to having you as my participant and communicative guest in Waizenkirchen for tea and coffee or live online via Skype.
Please note: * pre-booking required until latest Oct 10th, 2016 at noon;
* pre-booking for skype seesions latest Sep 8th plus audio test;
Feel free to book NOW:
- via email: brigittefalkner(at)gmail(dot)com
- via phone: (+43) 0680 302 8001
- via the form below