LANGUAGES help survive!
Well, we all know that it would be a lot more difficult to communicate without saying a word, like dumb people manage their daily life. Language learners at a beginner's level complain about being short of words (feeling dumb and muted) and lacking of fluency.
Today it is a MUST to speak, at least, one foreign language to communicate, get along in business life, converse with refugees or simply survive on the globe.
This nice joke is pointing out the necessity of speaking foreign languages.
Enjoy reading!
Quelle: Spatzenpost, Feb 2016
@ Do you agree with the mice father?
@ What was your individual experience with learning languages and finally practising your multilingual skills?
@ Nowadays it is said by specialists and great thinkers that it is not enough to just speak a language. Only full immersion into a foreign language to gain fluency in speaking and deep understanding of intercultural issues makes the multilinguist interact sensitively and wisely driven by his/her emotional intelligence and flow.
Wow! What an interesting thought and what does this actually mean?
If you wish to read up on these points:
- how to get into the flow in language learning
- emotional intelligence in language learning
- one of the greates thinkers in language learning
feel free to follow the links below to read language specialists' papers and scripts. You will also gain some neuroscientific insights into this extremely
interesting and demanding topic.
Importance of foreign languages in the US:
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Looking forward to having you in my pop-in sessions.
Yours Brigitte