4 June 2019





(by Marshal B. Rosenberg, PhD)




     Source: Google


Mashall B. Rosenberg developed this conflict solving method in the 1960s. Since then it became worldwide practised and well-known as effective method to make people understand each others needs and find a peaceful way to communicate even in critical and difficult moments among all cultures and human beings.


Let's discuss the core issues of NVC and what else we could do to make our world be a more peaceful and warm-hearted place with more understanding to each other.


                       .......and the most important is 'empathy'.....



- Which other conflict solving strategies are you experienced with?

- Are there any successful alternatives?

- What can one do to sort out severe troubles like disputes?

- Are you experieced with NVC by Rosenberg?

- Do you agree or disagree with NVC strategies to solve conflicts?


Feel free to check out these links for more information about NVC by Rosenberg:









A rich summary of feelings and evaluation words:



Conflict Resolution Paper:



Let's make this page grow and feel free to help me to enrich this page with further material, links, downloads,.... It's worth collecting more free web-sources in order to learn and better meet people's needs and find effective ways for conflict solving. Feel free to choose the form below to contact me and forward your material and suggestions.                         Go for more empathy!


I am always happy to hear from you

and am looking forward to having you as my inspired and communicative participant in Waizenkirchen for tea and coffee or live online via Skype.


Please note: * pre-booking is required for both, offline and Skpye 

                     participation in Waizenkirchen until latest 

                      on Monday NOON 3rd of June, 2019;

             * Feel free to do a Skype audio test on Mon evening!


Book NOW:

- via email: brigittefalkner(at)gmail(dot)com

- via phone: (+43) 0680 302 8001

- via the booking form below

- skype: brigittefalkner


I am looking forward to having a good time and an inspiring chat.

                                                             JETZT BUCHEN!

                                                            Yours Brigitte :-)

                                                    FLEXIBLE LANGUAGES

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.